Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Bagging......what's all the fuss?

Guess I haven't been paying attention - all this fuss about "tea baggers" and "tea bagging". I looked it up in Wikipedia and the first definition of "tea bagging" refers to a sexual technique (you can go look it up yourself) - which makes sense when you think about the GOP.........hmmmmm

The second definition refers to the current "populist" trend for "tea bag" parties to complain about taxes, creeping socialism, Obama, etc.

It's interesting to wonder about the origin of this trend......Fox News and Rush Limbaugh would be my guess. An optimist would consider that these "tea bag" parties are a form of civil disobedience - originating from the grass roots outrage over AIG - and that it's real and true and sincere.

The conspiracy theorist would assume that Rush and Fox News have taken this reasonable outrage - and twisted it to their own ends.

Recent polls show that ~48% of the American people think that their taxes are fair - that they pay their fair share.

I would like refer to the motto I adopted from Oliver Wendell Holmes ..."I like to pay taxes," said Oliver Wendell Holmes. "With them I buy civilization."

I wonder what Rush would buy? Well, he's not very he - I wonder if he is housebroken? Seems unlikely somehow - I am sure it violates some freedom of his....or is creeping socialism.

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