Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our Tax Dollars at Work......

Came home today to find a CDF spotter plane circling the neighborhood, followed closely by a CDF chopper picking water
up out of our nearby Alameda Creek and dumping it on a fire behind the houses.

Here in the San Francisco Bay Area - it's a "Red Flag" day - that means high fire danger. Dead dry here with high winds. Classic October California fire weather.

Last thing we need on a day like this is a fire jumping house to house until it hits a grove of Eucalyptus and explodes up the hills. That's what nearly happened here 10 years ago.
Very exciting and gratifying to watch the chopper scoop water out of the river and dump it on a field behind houses and railroad tracks.

It's thought that a homeless encampment there could be the source of the fire.

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