Friday, October 31, 2008

A Pony or ?......

GOD I am so GLAD the election's almost here....It's like some insane version of Christmas except that you don't know if you are going to get the lump of coal or the Pony.....

Hoping for the Pony!

If Jesus Were Running Against McCain...

Need to click on this to make it readable.....


Happy Halloween!.....

Street Soccer!......

This is great - tons of energy!

and a good break from obsessing over election polls!

Bored Octopus shoots out lights, then trashes aquarium and juggles crabs.....

Something NON-political for this Halloween Friday....

From the Telegraph: "Otto the Octopus wreaks Havoc"

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Want a Smart President.....

Even the Rednecks Have Had Enough.....

"The Economist" Endorses Obama!......

The Economist endorses Obama

"America should take a chance and make Barack Obama the next leader of the free world"

Reasons to Vote.....

Get Your Yard Sign Before It's Too Late!......

Available from Cafe Press
Probably need expedited shipping to get it in time!

23% of Texans believe Obama is a Muslim....

Damn, and here I thought that Texas had good schools......

From a survey run by the University of Texas (UT, go Longhorns)

"23 percent of Texans are convinced that Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama is a Muslim"

Read all about it here "Poll finds 23% of Texans think Obama is Muslim"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

More Comics....

America is UnAmerican....

Neiman Marxist.....

Click on the image to play "Dress like Sarah Palin!"

Brought to you by the California Nurses Association.

Who point out:

"What would you do if you had $150,000 to spend?

Buy a house?

Pay for prescription drugs?

The Palin wardrobe in one month cost more than the average American household spends on clothes in 80 years."

Red Sex, Blue Sex......

Great article at The New Yorker discussing the differences in attitude toward sex, sex education and teen pregnancy between the "Reds" and the "Blues".

Long, but worth the read.

a few excerpts:

"Social liberals in the country’s “blue states” tend to support sex education and are not particularly troubled by the idea that many teen-agers have sex before marriage, but would regard a teen-age daughter’s pregnancy as devastating news."


" conservatives in “red states” generally advocate abstinence-only education and denounce sex before marriage, but are relatively unruffled if a teen-ager becomes pregnant, as long as she doesn’t choose to have an abortion."

Also, despite all the emphasis on "abstinence" in "faith based" sex education, turns out that:

"evangelical teen-agers are more sexually active than Mormons, mainline Protestants, and Jews".

"Another key difference in behavior, Regnerus reports, is that evangelical Protestant teen-agers are significantly less likely than other groups to use contraception. This could be because evangelicals are also among the most likely to believe that using contraception will send the message that they are looking for sex"

"adolescents who say that their families understand them, pay attention to their concerns, and have fun with them are more likely to delay intercourse, regardless of religiosity"...

Read it all here: "New Yorker: Red Sex, Blue Sex"

Real Americans for McCain.....

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

McCain Family Newsletter Endorses Obama....

Click on the image to see the large (readable!) version....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

On Vacation with John McCain......

From Neil Young's website - a rather disturbing tale of a couple who (inadvertently) found themselves on vacation at the same tiny resort as the McCain family.....


"I was irritated at his large ego and his rude behavior towards his wife and other women, but decided he must have some redeeming qualities as he had adopted a handicapped child from Bangladesh. I asked him about this one day, and his response was shocking: "Oh, that was Cindy's idea - I didn't have anything to do with it. She just went and adopted this thing without even asking me. You can't imagine how people stare when I wheel this ugly, black thing around in a shopping cart in Arizona. No, it wasn't my idea at all."

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Vet Who Did Not Vet......


Eight Ways to Survive......

Click on the Image to see the big version so you can actually READ it...!

Call Center Workers Quit In Protest Rather Than Read McCain Script Attacking Obama......

From TPM: "Dozens Of Call Center Workers Walk Off Job In Protest Rather Than Read McCain Script Attacking Obama".

Three dozen workers at a telemarketing call center in Indiana walked off the job rather than read an incendiary McCain campaign script attacking Barack Obama.

"People thought the script was nasty and they didn't wanna read it."

Nice to know that some folks still have their honor, morals and wits about them.

Guilty, Guilty, Guilty!..... (part 2)

Senator Ted Stevens was just found guilty on SEVEN corruption charges.

Of course, just because you are convicted of a felony doesn't mean you are kicked out of your Senate seat. There's some irony. Convicted felons can't vote, but I guess that they can stay in their elected office.


Saks Fifth Avenue Sarah....

First we had "Caribou Barbie" - now we have "Saks Fifth Avenue Sarah":

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Waassup?.....Change dude....Change......

Although I never could stand the "Waassup" commercial...this is pretty good.

McCain is Senile?......

Christopher Hitchens on McCain....

Crumpin' We Can Believe In.....

This is how elections should be done.

Got to watch this!

if you have trouble with the view (I can't seem to size it!)

go look at it here: Dance Off

Friday, October 24, 2008

Palin wears fake eyelashes.....

Ok - those are FAKE!

Call me petty, shallow, trite....but jeeze - fake eyelashes? She's supposed to be a candidate for "a heartbeat away from leader of the free world"....not Beyonce.

Sorry, but in my opinion (and I wear lots of makeup, trust me) fake eyelashes are something for clubbing or for people with serious cases of alopecia, not for "serious" Presidential candidates.

I guess her makeup "stylist" who got paid $22,800 for the first two weeks of October wants to earn her keep. Read more on that stylist here.

"Mrs. Palin....I want to fly into your airspace"....

A Russian song to the Veep candidate......

Opie, Richie and The Fonz for Obama.......

See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

....Less Palin Bashing, more Obama Loving.....

Vote Barack!

MC Howie Raps!

"Barack Obama.....He's like Albert Einstein with a health-care plan".....

Woody Palin.....

Sarah Palin Meets Woody Allen from RADAR on Vimeo.

The Five Phases of Sarah Palin's Hair....

McCain's Latest Campaign Incident....

Keep an eye on the scrolling banners.....

Let's Go Shopping!.....

....With Sarah Palin! ....

News outlets are reporting that she has spent $150,000 on clothes, makeup and hair since Sept.

Palin has received the equivalent of $2,500 in clothes per day from places such as Saks Fifth Avenue (where RNC expenditures totaled nearly $50,000) and Neiman Marcus (where the governor had a $75,000 spree).

Some details:
  • $49,425.74 spent at Saks Fifth Avenue
  • $75,062.63 spent in one shopping spree at Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis, near the site of the Republican convention
  • $9,447.71 spent at Macy's in Minneapolis
  • $295 in apparent expenses for clothing for Palin's youngest son
  • $4,902.45 spent at Atelier, a men's clothing store
Now that's some small town values I can support.....where do I sign up?

Read all about it at FireDogLake.


heh heh heh....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Brighter Day Will Come....

Ok, so that last video posting makes me ill....I have to post this.

From MC Yogi - great song, love it!

OMG....A "Values Voter" - God help us....

Comparison of Tax Plans

Comparison of Obama and McCains Tax Plans.

It shows that Obama is not in fact planning to raise taxes - he’s planning to cut them for all but the very, very rich.

It's a bit of an "eye-chart" - so click on the image to see a larger version.

Olberman on "Real America"......

Living here in "Fake America".....

How do you know if you are a "real American" or not?

Are you:
Living in a small town but in a Blue state?
Living in the suburbs of a Big City?
Living in Northern Virginia?
Against Prop 8?
Eating Arugula?
Wearing a Trucker Hat?

Not sure if you are a "real American" or a "fake" one?
Just watch Jon Stewart and he will let you know....

Of course, as he says at the end....if you are watching the Daily Show, you aren't a "real American".....

Arguing Prop 8......

Engaged in an email argument with a Mormon on Prop 8. Her position is that

"We all have the right to choose, but lets not say something is NORMAL when in reality God has stated very clearly it is an abomination before him."

Wow, I just love it when people tell me EXACTLY what God has stated.....

To which my response is:

You presume to know what God has stated.

Is this the God that supported Plural Marriage for Mormons (since repudiated....sort of) ?

Or is it the God that was used to justify stoning of adulterers?

Is this the God that was used to justify slavery?

Is this the God that was used to justify bans on interracial marriage?

Is this the God that was used to justify the Holocaust against the Jews?

Is this the God that has torn apart Northern Ireland, Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan for 2000 years?

Is this the God in whose name so much evil, violence and hatred has been done over the centuries?

That God?

It is extremely arrogant for you, a mere mortal human to speak for God.
If God is truly all-knowing and all powerful, you can't presume to speak for him/her or claim that you know what he/she has stated.

The so-called "word of God" - the Bible and more particularly the "book of Mormon" - are but interpretations of God's word by imperfect humans.

Those words have been twisted over the millennia to suit the political aims and goals of Man.
Numerous gnostic gospels (The Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary, the Gospel of Philip to mention just a few) and the books of the Essenes were eliminated from
from the "official" versions in the early era after Christ's death because they did not align with the political ambitions of the Roman Church.

Unless you have read all the books of the bible - both included and otherwise and have interpreted them from either the original Greek or Aramaic, you can't be sure at all what "God" has said.

Perhaps He has only said what Man wants him to say for political expediency.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Early Voting in the South.....

Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan....... an American soldier who died in Iraq.
Born in New Jersey. Muslim. Think about that when you listen to the Republicans render their hate-filled speaches about Arabs, Muslims, "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" etc.

In his endorsement statement for Barack Obama on "Meet the Press", Colin Powell said the following:

“Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer is no. That’s not America. Is there something wrong with a seven-year-old Muslim-American kid believing he or she could be president? Yet I have heard senior members of my own party drop the suggestion that he is a Muslim and might have an association with terrorists. This is not the way we should be doing it in America.

I feel strongly about this particular point because of a picture I saw in a magazine. It was a photo essay about troops who are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And one picture at the tail end of this photo essay was of a mother in Arlington Cemetery, and she had her head on the headstone of her son’s grave. And as the picture focused in, you could see the writing on the headstone. And it gave his awards — Purple Heart, Bronze Star — showed that he died in Iraq, gave his date of birth, date of death. He was 20 years old.

And then, at the very top of the headstone, it didn’t have a Christian cross; it didn’t have the Star of David; it had crescent and a star of the Islamic faith. And his name was Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan, and he was an American. He was born in New Jersey. He was 14 years old at the time of 9/11, and he waited until he can go serve his country, and he gave his life.”

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Newspaper Endorsements of Obama.....

At least 15 newspaper endorsements today for Obama. 1 for McCain (Columbus Dispatch).

A partial list:

From red, red Texas, the Houston Chronicle & Austin American Statesman
have endorsed Obama....

The New York Daily News endorses Obama.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer in Ohio endorses Obama.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution in Georgia endorses Obama...

Read the complete list here .

Tina Fey on SNL......or is it Sarah Palin on SNL....


Former Bush Secretary of State Colin Powell Endorses Obama......

Powell called the current economic crisis "a final exam" for both candidates, and basically said McCain failed...

Powell further said he was "concerned at the selection of Gov. Palin," who he called "distinguished" but "not ready to be vice president."


"I'm also troubled by, not what Sen. McCain says, but what members of the party say, and it is permitted to be said such things as: "Well, you know that Mr. Obama is a Muslim." Well, the correct answer is: he is not a Muslim. He's a Christian. He's always been a Christian. "But the really right answer is: What if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer is: No, that's not America. Is there something wrong with some 7-year-old Muslim-American kid believing he or she can be President?"

Please watch - thoughtful and considered.....

Amy Poehler Rocks It on SNL........

Sarah Palin on SNL - ugh, but Amy Poehler made it tolerable......

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Obama Rally in St. Louis Draws 100,000......

Wow! that's all I can say ....Wow!

Read about it Here.

NO on California's Proposition 8......

Prop case you don't already know...

"Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry"

I received an email from an old high school classmate telling me that how "horrible it would be if this doesn't pass....."

I couldn't disagree more. I find Prop 8 extremely mean-spirited and exclusionary. Prop 8 does not "defend marriage"...nor does it "protect my children", nor does it contribute to "religious freedom".

My kids think that Prop 8 is "stupid" - I am very proud of them for that.

NO on Prop 8.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Racism in America.....

This is shocking. Ok, maybe not so shocking. Damn disappointing though. Sickening. Absolutely sickening.

Certainly doesn't reflect well on Ohio. Sorry to hear your economy sucks Ohio, but with attitudes like this, perhaps it's well deserved.

Thanks to "Prose before Ho's" for that little gem.

And from the Republican Party of Southern California......

this lovely thing - Obama on a "food stamp" surrounded by fried chicken and watermelon. Uh.....racist much?

Their response?..."The organization's president says she wasn't aware of the racial connotations of the image, which is of Barack Obama on a food stamp -- "It was just food to me."

How stupid does she think we are? .....

Read the article and the comments at Salon.

Typical Palin Supporter......

Just saying....

The Debate....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Shoot. Me. Now......

Cute story about Obama's early Senate days....

Not Very Mavericky.....

Looks like more of the same from the McRepublicans.....

"Millionaires To Reap Two-Thirds Of The Benefits From McCain's Proposed Tax Cuts"

"...In 2009, under a plan that lowers taxes on both gains and dividends, those making $1 million or more would get two-thirds of the benefit, and an average tax cut of more than $72,000. Those making less than $50,000 would get, on average, nothing."....

Targeting the middle class? You Betcha! After all, McCain only thinks you're rich if you make $5 million a year. So $1 million a year....middle class for sure!

Crazy Pills.......

Interesting article on Politico:"Voting for Obama Anyway"

The results of a focus group in the upper Midwest where a group of voters where shown a no-holds-barred attack ad on Obama. Created for an independent group - it hasn't yet aired.

The results?....
54 year-old white male, voted Kerry '04, Bush '00, Dole '96, hunter, NASCAR fan:
"I'm gonna hate him the minute I vote for him. He's gonna be a bad president. But I won't ever vote for another god-damn Republican....."

Woman, late 50s, Democrat but strongly pro-life. Loved B. and H. Clinton, loved Bush in 2000.
"Well, I don't know much about this terrorist group Barack used to be in with that Weather guy but I'm sick of paying for health insurance at work and that's why I'm supporting Barack."


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Speak Like an Adult......

This article by Heather Mac Donald on captures it for me - "I know, it’s elitist to expect a candidate for president or vice president to speak like an adult. "...But, hey: “Total role reversal here.”

When we were listening to the VP Debate a couple of weeks ago, my 15 year old daughter was shocked - "OMG - she sounds like me....and I'm (like) 15 and she's (like) running for Vice President...OMG!!!"

Get my drift here? What's up with Sarah Palin's linguistic skills anyway. "Gotcha", "you betcha", "you know", "like"....*sigh*

And then there are the rambles....guess it's too elitist to expect someone to be able to talk coherently:

The most famous of course being:

That’s why I say I, like every American I’m speaking with, we’re ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the taxpayers looking to bail out. But ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the health-care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy, helping the—it’s got to be all about job creation, too, shoring up our economy and putting it back on the right track. So health-care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans. And trade, we've got to see trade as opportunity, not as a competitive, scary thing. But one in five jobs being created in the trade sector today, we’ve got to look at that as more opportunity. All those things under the umbrella of job creation. This bailout is a part of that.

Watch Tina Fey and Sarah Palin - side by side - recreate that moment!

Tips for Sarah Palin.....

In the (hopefully) unlikely event that Ms. Palin becomes VP, Project Runway star and mother of six Laura Bennett offers advice for the potential veep.

My personal favorite:

Tip #1: Schedule a root canal for some “me” time.

"There is nothing like a root canal to secure some guilt-free time for yourself. One medicated hour in the chair with no disturbances can be pure bliss, and as a special bonus, you get to leave with a Vicodin prescription." laugh! How often have you been in a meeting so boring or horrible you would easily trade it for a root canal? Huh? More often than you would like to admit.

The White House Wants Palin Gone.....

Kathleen Parker on the "Colbert Report" -'s the show all about "truthiness" with a "fake pundit" - but her comments are not fake, they are her recent experiences....

COLBERT: Now but you said you got emails from people in the White House who secretively -

PARKER: Did I say that?

COLBERT: Yes you did. You said you secretly got emails from people in the White House but you wouldn't name who they were, who said that they agreed with you.

PARKER: That's correct.

watch it all here......

John Cleese on Sarah Palin.....

Per John Cleese: Her candidacy is like a Monty Python episode....."She is a well trained parrot".

watch it:

The classic "Parrot Video" from Monty Python:

Monday, October 13, 2008

David Brooks' day of Reckoning....

I have this love/hate relationship with David Brooks. I used to really like the guy - I loved "Bobos in Paradise"...but then in 2004, he became a real Bush/Rove apparatchik and I was so over him.

Lately, he's gotten some sense. He recently referred to Sarah Palin as a "cancer on the Republican Party".

There is a good article about his "Day of Reckoning" at Talking Points Memo that pretty well sums it all up. Read it if you know who David Brooks is. Or even if you don't.

Fareed Zakaria.....the Bright Side

Fareed Zakaria is an Indian born journalist, Harvard educated and is at present International Editor at Newsweek . He is generally regarded as a political moderate or centrist. In foreign policy terms, he is a realist .

He is the author of several excellent books, the most recent being: The Post-American World. I highly recommend reading this book .

He is author of the Cover article of this weeks edition of Newsweek.

A Health Care Plan So BAD.....

The progressive group: Health Care for America Now puts out the following ad demonstrating that...."John McCain's health care plan is so outrageous that when we previewed our new ads about it, people couldn't even believe what they saw...."

Now THIS is Truly Insurgent Behaviour.....

McCain Flags.....

People really should pick up after their dogs.....

Christopher Hitchens endorses Obama....

And I quote from "Gawker".....

"Noted Bush-supporting former Trotskyite Christopher Hitchens has endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president! In Slate today, the beloved British alcoholic raves about how Obama isn't a sad old man, like McCain, or an offensive joke, like Sarah Palin".....

Read the posting in Slate

Krugman Wins the Nobel for Economics...

Well done!

Paul Krugman won this years Nobel for Economics. He is a frequent contributor to the NY Times Opinion page and a critic of the Bush administration.

He was recognized for his work on international trade and economic geography. In particular, the prize committee lauded his work for “having shown the effects of economies of scale on trade patterns and on the location of economic activity.”

Read the NYT Article here.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What bothers you more?.....

The latest campaign mail....

James Wolcott on his hopes for the fate of the GOP....

This pretty much sums it up for me....

"I don't want the Republican Party simply defeated in November, I want to see it smashed beyond all recognition, in such wriggling, writhing, anguished disarray that it can barely reconstitute itself, so desperate for answers that it looks to Newt Gingrich for visionary guidance, his wisdom and insight providing the perfect cup of hemlock to finish off the conservative movement for good so that it can rot in the salted earth of memory unmissed and unmourned in toxic obscurity."

read it all here: James Wolcott/Vanity Fair

Stupid, Pathetic and Flailing......

So saith William Kristol about McCain's campaign on Fox. Kristol - who was once Dan Quayle's Chief of Staff and an arch neo-con, knows stupidity when he sees it.

watch here:

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our Tax Dollars at Work......

Came home today to find a CDF spotter plane circling the neighborhood, followed closely by a CDF chopper picking water
up out of our nearby Alameda Creek and dumping it on a fire behind the houses.

Here in the San Francisco Bay Area - it's a "Red Flag" day - that means high fire danger. Dead dry here with high winds. Classic October California fire weather.

Last thing we need on a day like this is a fire jumping house to house until it hits a grove of Eucalyptus and explodes up the hills. That's what nearly happened here 10 years ago.
Very exciting and gratifying to watch the chopper scoop water out of the river and dump it on a field behind houses and railroad tracks.

It's thought that a homeless encampment there could be the source of the fire.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Running Mate Morning After Pill......

Palinex....because you shouldn't have to suffer for the biggest mistake of your political career....

Guilty, Guilty, Guilty.....!

Alaska panel finds Palin abused power in firing....

No big surprise here.....

"A legislative committee investigating Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has found she unlawfully abused her authority in firing the state's public safety commissioner. The investigative report concludes that a family grudge wasn't the sole reason for firing Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan but says it likely was a contributing factor.

The Republican vice presidential nominee has been accused of firing a commissioner to settle a family dispute. Palin supporters have called the investigation politically motivated.

Monegan says he was dismissed as retribution for resisting pressure to fire a state trooper involved in a bitter divorce with the governor's sister. Palin says Monegan was fired as part of a legitimate budget dispute."

Read all about it

Inside the McCain Campaign......

Secret footage from McCain's campaign meetings....

If you just say "Maverick" often enough.....maybe it will stick.

Putin spying on Palin.....

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Banana Republic Time....

Welcome to the Banana Republic of the US. Where profits are privatized and debts are socalized.

You know, there are still people out there, driving around with "W04" and "Bush Cheney" bumper stickers (in the blue bubble of the SF Bay Area no less!) . They should be ashamed of themselves.

How anyone can consider keeping the GOP in office by voting for McCain boggles the mind.

Read Christopher Hitchens article at Vanity Fair on the Banana Republic of the US.

Chillin with MC Lars.....

Take a listen to MC Lars...his songs keep cycling inside my head....

He's a white boy rapper out of the Bay Area - lots of intelligent political and social commentary. Very entertaining.

My fave: "Mr Raven" - name checking Edgar Allen Poe - "America's favorite anti-transcendentalist"....

"Who's that...who's that...rappin at my chamber door... mister, mister Raven, all up in my grill like nevermore..."

Here's his store, if you go to his Myspace page - you can play his songs for free.

Geek News.....Wikipedia moves to Ubuntu...

Computerworld reports that Wikipedia is simplifying their IT infrastructure by moving to one Linux vendor - Ubuntu. !

Read about it here.

Our Economic Future?......

Watch the vid...

Thanks to J. for the tip!

McCain's Health Care Plan....."we'll do lots of things"....


This is real audio from the debate, with commentary....

Paris Hilton is still in the game......

Remember the days when we would all complain about the shallowness of the news, about how all it seemed to be was stories of Paris Hilton and her latest misadventures?

In the era of economic collapse, with a bank failure a you now long for those days? I sort of do.....ok, call me shallow.

Well, good news - Paris is still running for "Fake President"!

In this video, she outlines some policies with that other great "Fake President" - Martin Sheen.

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Summing up the Debate....

From "Open Salon"....

Doug sums up the debate for you ....

Sarah Palin Disney Trailer......

OMG! this is too funny -

Thanks to Karen for the link!

From the makers of "The Mighty Ducks" and "Syriana"

It's not a real Disney trailer, but it could be.....

Check out the College Humor site for more fun.

Post Turtle....

This bit of wisdom was provided by Rick....

"While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old rancher, whose hand was caught in the gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Palin and her bid. The old rancher said, "Well, ya know, Palin is a 'Post Turtle'". Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was.

The old rancher said, "When you're driving down a country road you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle". The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain.

"You know she didn't get up there by herself, she doesn't belong up there, and she doesn't know what to do while she's up there, and you just wonder what kind of dummy put her up there to begin with".

Palin's Patriotism...

So here's the problem.....sending our troops to Iraq or wherever is "Patriotic" but paying the taxes to fund those expeditions - "not Patriotic".

Well, that's the logic from our buddy Sarah Palin at least....

and I quote (from the VP debate) .....

“You said recently that higher taxes or asking for higher taxes or paying higher taxes is patriotic. In the middle class of America, which is where Todd and I have been all of our lives, that’s not patriotic.”

Really? so who should pay for the body armour that protects your son Governor? Perhaps the "free market" or some private donor? Maybe one of those Lehman Bros? Heck, they have all kinds of money.....

Read Thomas L. Friedman's opinion here.

GOP Economic Snake Oil

Interesting opinion in today's Wall Street Journal :

"The GOP Peddles Economic Snake Oil
Suddenly Republicans are against market values?"

Some key points:

"The central axiom of conservative Republicanism is that government is inherently corrupt and can't do anything right
Yet now we are supposed to vote for more conservative Republicans because we learned from the last bunch of conservative Republicans that government doesn't work."
"Conservative misrule, prompted by conservative disdain for government, proves that government cannot be trusted -- and that the only answer is to elect another round of government-denouncing conservatives."

Wow. As the article says...

"Cynicism" seems too small a word for this circular kind of political fraud. "

Read the whole thing here

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Obama Store....

Buy a tee shirt, donate some $$$, get a bumpersticker, a magnet, a hat...

Obama Store

The Future is in...Fremont!

Here in Fremont,California we have hit the big time:

"In a staid Bay Area office park, a converted hard-drive factory with a shiny new façade has begun churning out unconventional solar tubes that could change the economics of solar power.

The highly-automated factory belongs to Solyndra, a three-year-old company that has received $600 million in venture capital and $1.2 billion in orders for its new modules, which look like curtain rods. Those big investors are betting the company's unique product will soon blanket commercial buildings across the world."

Solyndra is manufacturing a new type of thin-film solar cells: copper indium gallium diselenide, or CIGS. The solar tubes look like fluorescent light bulbs with the big difference that they generate electricity rather than use it.

Read all about it in the Wired Article

Check out the photos of the top secret factory!

Something to look forward to....

One sunny day in 2009, an old man approached the White House from
across Pennsylvania Avenue, where he'd been sitting on a park bench.
He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to
go in and meet with President Bush."

The Marine looked at the man and said, "Sir, Mr. Bush is no longer
President and no longer resides here."

The old man said, "Okay" and walked away.

The following day, the same man approached the White House and
said to the same Marine, "I would like to go in and meet with
President Bush."

The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Bush is
no longer President and no longer resides here."

The man thanked him and, again, just walked away.

The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke
to the very same U. S. Marine, saying "I would like to go in and meet
with President Bush."

The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man
and said, "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking
to speak to Mr. Bush.

I've told you already that Mr. Bush is no longer the President and no
longer resides here. Don't you understand?"

The old man looked at the Marine and said, "Oh, I understand. I just
love hearing it."

The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, "See you tomorrow."

thanks to Karen for that contribution!

Bush Approval at Record Low

Bush is unpopular - really unpopular. Who knew?

Gallup reports: Bush Job Approval at 25%, His Lowest Yet

Keep Talking McCain!....

If you have nothing nice to say.....oh never mind....

Better line up now....W is coming!

Better log on to Fandango right away and get your tix!
Oliver Stone's bio of W is opening on Oct 17. My, how timely.

King Tut is back.....

Tut is back! I remember seeing this exhibit in SF the first time around - late 70's.
Well that dates me.

Check it out. King Tut to make triumphal return to S.F.

Businesses Wary of McCain Health Care Plan....

Businesses are usually pretty supportive of the GOP - but maybe not so much these days with McCain's Health Care Plan.

McCain proposes eliminating the business tax deduction for health care and then charging anyone who does get health care taxes on the value of the policy. Ok, so he will give you a $5000 tax credit to offset that....but since the "value" of a policy for a family is $12,000 - sounds to me as if you get a tax increase. Hmmmm

At the same time he wants to cut taxes to oil companies....but I digress.

Oh and you can go buy insurance on the "open market". You know, you can "shop around for the best deal". So when your kid is in the hospital in critical condition and needs some critical procedure can "shop around" for the best deal. Hope the kid can wait.

And then....let's talk about buying your own insurance. A decent policy for a family costs $12,000 - assuming that your pre-existing conditions don't prevent you from getting any insurance at all. And pretty much, if you are over 30 - you have a pre-existing condition baby. People have been denied coverage for such things as a history of allergies, migraine headaches and being 10% overweight. Let alone such things as diabetes, asthma, heart disease, cancer.

But hey, let's let deregulation and "the market" do for health care what it did for banking and wall street. ....uh....oops.

Read More: New York Times article

Monday, October 6, 2008

How Much for Georgia?

I was recently in Riga, Latvia and photographed this amusing billboard.

Books I've been reading.

Little Brother - Cory Doctorow

Anathem - Neal Stephenson

How to fold a tee shirt in 2 seconds....

Ok...maybe 5 seconds.

Even insurgents have to fold their laundry....

The Keating 5 - Video

Gotta watch this - yeah, its a bit on the long side, but try to stay focused....this was how we got into the economic mess we are in.

And of course 1 of the "Keating 5" was....Senator McCain

Presidential Memorial

Reminder that coming up in November - in addition to that big Presidential thing...SF voters will have the opportunity to vote on renaming the Sewage Treatment Plant....

and I quote:

"Just as France presented the Statue of Liberty as its gift to the nation, the citizens of San Francisco may now bestow their own special gift to the country by renaming our award winning waste water treatment plant in honor of outgoing President George W Bush. We think this is a fitting memorial for a truly outstanding Commander-in-Chief. On matters ranging from diplomacy to fiscal and environmental stewardship, no other President has had such a dramatic impact on the country and the Constitution in such a short time. Most presidents wait years or decades to receive their memorial airport or highway. We think President Bush deserves immediate recognition for his eight years of public service."


Killing off Opus!

NPR reports that Opus is being offed

NOOOOOOOO! Say it ain't so......

Punching out a Lehman Brother...

I love this - it's the sort of thing that we wage slaves/corporate drones always want to do....punch out the big guy. Sounds like someone finally got to live the dream at Lehman Bros.

watch the vid:

Music I am Listening to Today...

Keeping with our "insurgency" theme - here goes.

Flobots - new album (download it from iTunes) "Fight with Tools"

"Politically motivated alt rap" but don't let that scare you off. They are a band that can speak intelligently about the issues that plague our nation. No songs about escalades or bling here.

My two favs so far (but the whole album is great)
"Handlebars" (I can ride my bike with no handlebars...)
"Rise" (Rise, together we Rise, together we Rise....)

I also like the Weezer song "Troublemaker"

"God is Not a Republican"

This is a great statement that was put out by Jim Wallis' Sojourners organization a few years ago. At the time I got a bumper sticker. Still have it. Often asked "where can I get one of those" - well I don't think that Sojourners has them any more, but Cafe Press does....

Get your "God is Not A Republican" Tote bag.

Launching my Suburban Insurgency Blog

Suburban Insurgent here - launch day - been thinking about this for a while - need a place to post all my thoughts and links. Everytime I hear Sarah Palin, I want to donate $$$ to Obama!
Can't afford to keep doing that ....oh, OK, here's another $10. ...but I need to channel myself.

First link - this great song from YouTube.....